
Calgary Pub Puts the Pedal to the Metal with Conversion Campaign

Pedal PubHyperSearchSocial

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Pedal Pub tastes success with Hyper, Search and Social Mix

“We’ve always valued LoKnow’s approach to doing business; they’re very clearly the subject matter experts and make dynamic, real-time decisions to support our goals – but also prioritize our perspective in order to continually bolster our performance.”

David Skabar
President, Pedal Pub


The Challenge

Pedal Pub, a party bike company based out of Calgary, is all about creating memorable experiences for both Calgarians and visiting tourists. Championed for those looking to ‘gather and go’, Pedal Pub takes small parties on tours through popular pub routes in Calgary, lifting the spirits of any passengers who tune in for the adventure. Hoping to spread the word about their services, Pedal Pub came to us with a challenge to increase their presence in a cost effective way. During their first year as a seasonal business, they approached LoKnow to bike into the great unknown and help identify niche audiences to drive revenue today and identify opportunities for future ad campaigns. Additionally, they needed the campaign to be closely monitored in order to reach an ROAS worth their ad-spending dollars.



The Strategy

When we initially launched this campaign, our goal was to monitor Pedal Pub’s CPM and CPC for awareness and customer consideration. We originally focused on educating, and getting Calgarians charged up about this new summer activity in their city. Working to utilize the budget as efficiently as possible, we focused on finding audiences who resonated with Pedal Pub’s offerings.

In just a few short weeks, we had accumulated enough awareness to start assembling key target audiences to focus on. As a result, we opted to switch gears and transition our efforts into a conversion campaign by March. Integrating into their backend sales system to track ROAS and revenue, we concentrated on delivering ads to quality leads, rather than amassing a high quantity of generic impressions. Using Search, Social and our Hyper Display channel, the campaign performed exceptionally well from a marketing perspective—but more importantly—we helped create positive business outcomes, identifying interest groups who were actively searching for summer activities, and Look-alike website audiences for Pedal Pub to later re-cycle into their targeting strategy.

Our Hyper Display ads were used to help boost awareness of Pedal Pub in Calgary, while our Social and Search ads were focused on pushing conversions and generating purchases and bookings. Social performed exceptionally well in this campaign, and even allowed us to take our newfound Look-alike audience for a retargeting test drive. Our team was able to quickly adapt to this new audience to deliver custom ads with relevant messaging and a strong call-to-action, resulting in more than 80 peak-season purchases over the span of the first 3 months.



The Conclusion

The campaign was an overwhelming success, and Pedal Pub was elated with the results. Our channels performed above and beyond, cultivating a dedicated fan base and generating additional revenue compared to Pedal Pub’s seasonal projections. The Pedal Pub team looks forward to getting back in the saddle with us to continue the campaign as they look to expand their operations. They’ve even recommended LoKnow’s services to franchises from other cities so they can see similar success. We’re currently running campaigns for Pedal Pubs in Winnipeg and Toronto, as well as their nation-wide franchise recruitment drive!


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