
The KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM for Digital Advertising

The digital media landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented, while the race for user attention is more competitive than ever. To manage the chaos and simplify this ecosystem for our clients and partners, we’ve created The KNOWLEDGE System.



The KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM for Digital Advertising

The digital media landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented, while the race for user attention is more competitive than ever. To manage the chaos and simplify this ecosystem for our clients and partners, we’ve created The KNOWLEDGE System.


The KNOWLEDGE System is a managed service that uses cutting-edge technology to improve upon top-tier digital platforms to create ad campaigns. At the core of our system is our Hyper methodology, which refers to the advanced programmatic buying processes and technology LoKnow adds to each channel to make it work for every unique client.

The KNOWLEDGE System consists of various channels to deliver messaging, including

Hyper Display
Hyper Display. For display ads that are purchased and delivered programmatically to your specific audience.
Hyper Video logo
Hyper Video. Includes any video ads that are purchased and disseminated strategically to a specific audience.
Hyper Audio logo
Hyper Audio. Involves all audio ads that are acquired and programmatically administered in front of a specific audience.
Hyper Streaming logo
Hyper Streaming. For video and audio capabilities, available on three of the most popular platforms: YouTube, Spotify and Twitch.
Hyper TV logo
Hyper TV. For video ads that are purchased programmatically and run in between Smart TV content.
Hyper Out of Home logo
Hyper Out of Home. For clients who want ads placed on digital billboards in the real world.
Search logo representing LoKnow's Search channel offering.
Search. For targeting audiences searching for a specific product, service or category via search engine.
Social logo representing LoKnow's Social channel offering for digital advertising.
Social. For reaching audiences on the social networks they love, in a variety of creative formats.
Exclusive Premium Inventory logo
Exclusive Premium Inventory (EPI). For placement deals negotiated directly with a specific publisher.
Alternative Digital Logo
Alternative Digital. For niche platforms and capabilities that are effective in very specific use cases.


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