Case Study |

Avenue Living Communities

Calgary Real Estate Company Signs New Lease on Inbound Leads

Avenue Living Communities Sees Rentals Through the Roof with Conversion Campaign

Avenue Living Communities

| At a Glance


Conversion Campaign


• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Spotify
• AdRetriever


• Hyper Display
• Hyper Video
• Hyper Streaming
• Search
• Social


• Increase online lead inquiries
• Improve overall conversion rates


• Lead goals exceeded by 30%
• 12% Avg. conversion rate

The Challenge

Avenue Living Communities has been providing Calgarians with excellence in affordable home rentals since their foundation in 2006. The multi-family housing provider prides themselves on building quality communities that residents are excited to call home for the long term. Looking to see more potential renters take their searches through to fruition, Avenue Living Communities came to LoKnow with the challenge of increasing their online lead inquiries, even more so than with their previous in-house campaigns. They needed a campaign that honed in on improving their targeting efforts, in hopes of reaching more potential clients who were actively hunting for a new place to live. Avenue Living Communities had run their own digital ads in the past, but had not seen the lead counts and conversions they had hoped for. LoKnow needed to execute a campaign that not only met, but exceeded their expectations.

The Strategy

To make sure Avenue Living Communities’ campaign performance was through the roof, we created a custom-built campaign to meet their needs. Beginning the campaign in December 2020, we started by identifying all possible audiences that could fit their target demographic. From in-market renters for apartments, to visitors on competing property management websites, we did a walkthrough of all 3rd-party audiences — and lookalike audiences — that fit the criteria. Because this was a conversion campaign, we primarily monitored website inquiries as key performance indicator.

For this campaign, we employed a full cul-de-sac of channels, including Hyper Display and Hyper Video to target these specific audiences in cities across Alberta. We launched our pilot campaign in a major Albertan city, which saw extremely positive results, laying the groundwork for us to expand into other markets throughout western Canada. Using Hyper allowed us the access to reach in-market apartment hunters and target affinity audiences who were visiting other real estate-related sites.

In the first few months of the campaign, we found our Search ads outperforming other channels, leading us to remodel our strategy later on. We opted to evict Twitter ads, and in turn boost Search ads to capitalize on the strong conversion count we saw it bringing in. Because the initial creatives run had general messaging, we revisited the top interest and affinity categories based on user data to identify where we could tailor ads towards additional renter personas. We decided to separate the creative by three ad sets for families, seniors, and students that were run on display, while pet friendly messaging was introduced for Search. Toward the final months, Hyper Video was also added in to improve engagement for pet owners who were actively apartment hunting with their furry friends in tow. Additionally, with Hyper Streaming, we were able to add Spotify into the mix to bolster our reach to audiences we may have been missing on other platforms.

The Results

exceeded lead goals by
average conversion rate across all platforms

The Conclusion

The Avenue Living Communities’ campaign was an overwhelming success, yielding some suite results. We exceeded their lead goals by 30% and performed far beyond their conversion expectations when the campaign ended in September 2021. In some markets, we even ended up reducing the overall budget, as the interest generated by the campaign left the remaining units fully leased. Avenue Living Communities was delighted with the consistent results from the campaign — our work with them yielded more quality leads than campaigns they had run in the past. If ever they came to us with a new challenge, we’re confident that we could provide Avenue Living Communities with the same towering results in the future.

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